Staying Motivated!

Once you get over the euphoria and excitement of a new venture, the energy gets sucked dry at some point along the timeline. Motivation is everything!

Ways to stay motivated:

  1. Read about people and situations you admire daily.  Constantly and forever.
  2. Your inner voice needs to be your best friend.  Make sure it does not criticize.
  3. Your ideas are worth far more than dollars. Enjoy the magic of trying.
  4. Don’t skimp on your health or skip the workout. That’s death to energy and motivation.
  5. Stand for anybody who is striving. Encouragement to others keeps the candle burning bright.

At QuantumHire, we strive to find motivated leaders who keep the candle burning bright. If you get it, you are rare and we need you now.

Photo credit: CC BY-SA 3.0 NY

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