Add Value with Ancillary Services

The current percentages of innovators in healthcare today:

Orthopedic Surgeons: 33%
Anesthesiologists: 23%
Primary Care: 23%
Internists: 20%
Pediatricians: 18%
You can either see more patients or do more with the patients you have by adding appropriate ancillary services that add value and improve overall health. Maintain your independence by learning about programs that help your bottom line.

Career Abundance for 2017

  1. Envision yourself doing what you really want and take action.
  2. Your defined purpose is the compass that won’t allow distractions.
  3. You’ve already won, now act like it! Be. Do. Have.
  4. Gratitude is the best attitude and will determine your altitude
We have a new program at QuantumHire that, if followed, will have you on the path to career abundance. Resolve to take action and get the results you deserve.

50K a Year!

The average cost of assisted living just reached $4,000 a month.

Caring for our parents is going to be a problem our nation must address. We just can’t keep sending them to nursing homes with fees we have no idea how to pay.

Our country needs to address the quality and cost of bankrupting our elderly and letting them fall into the Medicaid pit. As a country, do we continue to endorse whatever lifestyle you want, healthy or not?

At QuantumHire, we seek the professionals who can help solve this crisis.

Free Market Healthcare!

More choice, less cost, better coverage and insurers that are free to sell in any state.

Let’s restore competition and keep mergers in the insurance industry from gauging providers and patients.

U.S. Mega Insurer’s Sales:

United: $130 Billion
Anthem: $74 Billion
Aetna: $58 Billion
Cigna: $35 Billion

Source: Forbes
Image source: (CC BY-SA 2.0, Flickr user Wellness GM)

New Hope for America

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. Goals, imagination and risk-taking are the cornerstone of our national DNA. We are great because we always strive to improve and believe in ourselves. There is no other country that offers so much opportunity — all we need to do is move ahead and tackle any problem that stands in our way. It may take 10 innings, but winning is what we do.

We find and place great leaders at QuantumHire.

Restricted Market Access

Effective Key Opinion Leader engagement, HEOR supportive documentation, and payers demanding outcome-based justifications for the cost of medicine are just a few of the latest market-related issues facing innovation in health care.

We need to keep proving our worth or managed care will be our new boss and nobody wants that.

Our people add value — QuantumHire.

Humor Works!

Laughing increases oxygen replenishing cells. Humor encourages honest dialogue and creates an environment where people can contribute without risk of criticism. Being professional does not mean being serious all the time. Add fun to your dialogue and see your customers open up.  

You are not on this planet to show how smart you are, rather what you contribute in the room. Sometimes that is just a smile and a solid laugh. Lighten the mood, seek out and include fun in your presentations. Your audience needs it and your words are far more likely to be remembered.

We keep it lively at QuantumHire.

Navigating the Path

The FDA approved 45 compounds in 2015, which is the most it’s approved in 20 years. We live in a world that needs and wants breakthroughs faster and faster. Taking something from molecule to manufacturing takes smart management.

Now more than ever we need smart contributors who can navigate the waters. At QuantumHire, we seek Medical Affairs professionals who know the path.